Warning: include(include/mysql.inc) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/web24/html/open/ClubVorstand21.php on line 18

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Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'include/mysql.inc' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php-gd-5.2.17/lib/php') in /home/www/web24/html/open/ClubVorstand21.php on line 18
Funktion Name Telefon Mobil e-Mail
Präsidentvon Flüe Bruno 041 620 77 06079 313 83 32
SekretariatRaderbauer Bernd041 535 74 53 079 449 55 04
KassierWürsch Yvette041 620 56 33 079 308 51 52
JO RenngruppeBürkli René041 610 98 15 079 249 66 64
JO-Leitervon Holzen Peter041 620 76 69 079 578 19 32
BeisitzerinBühlmann Heike041 630 16 03 078 804 19 95
Technischer LeiterWeh Markus041 610 72 23 079 479 21 60